Yi24 | Uthe Sab Ka Kadam
May 5, 2024

Members Engaged:
4Rural Initiatives:
31Region: Eastern Region (ER)
Chapter: Kolkata
Direct Impact: 31
Location: Kolkata
Event Partner (s): --
🌟 Celebrating a heartwarming collaboration between Young Indians and Mahavir Seva Sadan! On May 5th, 2024: 🎁 Distributed 31 legs, benefiting 30 individuals 🦿 🤗 Touching the lives of 30 beneficiaries, including one double amputee 💖 Illustrating the transformative power of unity, compassion, and perseverance! 🙏👏 Cumulative total of legs: 1038 Balance: 212 Warm regards, Yi Kolkata - Team Accessibility